
What is real-time remuneration and CashD?
Real-time remuneration enables you to access a portion of your accrued pay as you earn it. No waiting for payday to get access to your pay, and this is not a loan. You are simply accessing money that you have already earned which means no interest or any repayments.
CashD integrates directly with your employer and your pay system, so it knows exactly how much cash you can access directly from your employer. The money drawn is simply deducted from your pay on payday.
CashD integrates directly with your employer & pay system.
CashD knows exactly how much cash you can access directly from your employer. The money drawn is simply deducted from your pay on payday. There’s no impact on your credit score, no background checks and it’s not a loan.

Questions about CashD?
How often can I use CashD?
You can see the current balance on the CashD App dashboard and will be able to draw on the newly earned pay after each day worked.
Our recommendation is that up to 50% of accrued wages should be available for withdrawal.
Can I used CashD on the weekend?
Yes, you can use CashD to withdraw accrued pay anytime, 24/7.
Are there any hidden fees?
All fees are agreed and noted in the commercial agreement and stated clearly in the App so you can see them when you withdraw cash.
When do I get my funds?
When you make a withdrawal, CashD instantly sends their cash to their bank account (just like an “Osko” payment).
How much does CashD cost?
A specific percentage transaction and/or software fee as set within the commercial agreement with employers. This can range from a 5% transaction cost, to employers choosing to cover the costs.
If I forget my username or password, what do I do?
Your username is the ‘email address’ used when you registered, or the username set in the payroll system.
On the login page you can follow the “forgot password” link to reset your password.